War of 1812
W war of 1812 was fought between the U.S and the United Kingdom.
A Andrew Jackson was one of the military leaders.
R Royal Navy was kinnaping people and forsing them to join
O Orlando we on in Orlando
F Finally the U.K or United Kingdom saported the native americns
8 1812 we sined the trety of paris
1 one battle we won
2 Two military leaders we had
i found the pichure off of Quia
Fruit Brush
Fruit Brush (Barrett, Malachi, Layla, Sydney)
Sequence Story
As it started to rain. Meanwhile we got soaked,finally we ran into the building. The thunder lasted forever.
Battle of Quabek
The battle of Quabek had high but we did nit do so well. We lost a lot of men, and genrle George Washington was not happy. It took place north of south caralina. It started on December 31,1775. George Washington had to make changes for futer battle’s.We came up with new stratiges for the war.I hope you learned a lot about the battle of Quabek.
Passion project-sparring match
John Jay
Finding MLK
History of Hockey
It’s here 2017 is here! I cant to see what will happen in the new year.2016 was great,but now it’s time for a new year out with the old in with the new.I cant wat to be a middle school.I have been watting for 2017 for a long time.Have a happy net year.